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Here is the summary of the article, outlining the key points and main ideas.

  • wp_enqueue_style(): This WordPress function is used to safely add a CSS style file to the WordPress theme.
  • ‘font-awesome’: This is a handle used by WordPress to identify the Font Awesome stylesheet uniquely.
  • URL: This is the direct link to the Font Awesome CSS file. You can update this URL to point to a different version if needed, or use a local copy if you prefer.
  • add_action(): This WordPress function hooks your enqueue_font_awesome() function into the wp_enqueue_scripts action, ensuring that it runs at the correct point in the WordPress execution cycle.

Explanation of the Functionality

  • custom_summary_shortcode: This function handles the shortcode’s backend logic. It wraps the content you enter between the shortcode tags in a styled div and an <h3> tag.
  • add_shortcode: This WordPress function registers the summary shortcode, linking it to the custom_summary_shortcode function.
  • CSS Styling: The CSS provided ensures the summary block stands out visually, with a background color, padding, and a colored border.


This is a helpful tip that can add value to your content.

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